Home > How to... > Troubleshooting > Inbound emails to my email address are bouncing back to the sender

Inbound emails to my email address are bouncing back to the sender

Possible cause a) Your mailbox is full.
How to fix: 
Log into all email accounts you have set up with Ashop Commerce and delete unnecessary emails (you should also download emails to Outlook or a similar mail client to avoid build up in Webmail). Also ensure you purge the deleted emails as they are still stored under the deleted items folder after deleted from your inbox. Once complete, test by sending an email to this account and check if this bounces back. There is a 20MB limit on email accounts under the same domain name.
Possible cause b) The email account has not been created yet in your Ashop admin panel
How to fix: 
If you log into your store admin panel and go to settings – email and domain – email, you can create email accounts only under the domains delegated to Ashop Commerce (your store). From here please create all accounts you will use and take note of the passwords for each individual account as these are used to set up the accounts in your mail client. Each separate account has a separate login for Webmail.

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