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Why do I receive duplicate orders, minutes apart

You may have received the same order twice only minutes apart, same value, same customer.

The cause is generated by a bank or gateway communication error. When an order is placed and payment is made through a real-time credit card option, our shopping cart waits for a signal to return from the bank to let the cart know if payment is approved or declined.

E.g. During the processing of a transaction, if the bank is busy and doesn't send this signal, the cart must decline the order after a short while. In this case, a customer will go back a page and attempt to purchase again, this time the order is approved.

10mins later the bank sends a signal saying payment for first order was approved so it updates that order ID to approved and you now have the same order paid twice, only moments apart.

Some banks are better than others with communication or charging que's. We're happy to discuss your options if you would like to email or call a representative today. 

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