If you have set up the integration with Google Analytics, there are a couple of reasons this could be occuring.
First, there are scripts available
that can be added into browsers that block Google Analytics from
recording the visit at all. The reason people do this is either for
privacy or to stop their actions being recorded on their own website to
stop distortions in statistics from their own visits.
Second, you should confirm that the
Google Analytics Settings page (found under Settings>Store
Settings>Google Analytics) is set up correctly. See below:
If you want to record statistics for one domain and all subdomains, your account should look like this (
replace with your Analytics Property ID and .domain with a full stop at the start
If you want to record statistics
for all domains and subdomains, your account should look like this
(replace with your Analytics Property ID and "Auto"):
You should "Activate now" again after changing any of the above.