Product details Like Button

Adding the like button to your products 

  1. Open your admin panel, go to design > product detail design
  2. Click on the edit button on the right hand side next to the choice that has LIVE in green
  3. Copy this code        
<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=";xfbml=1"></script><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" width="50" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>

4. Look under the HTML tab and find where you want to place the button, e.g We will for our example add it right after the Add to cart button as seen below
<br><!-- FACEBOOK STARTS -->
<div id="fb-root"></div><script src="
all.js#appId=222611597773740&amp;xfbml=1"></script><fb:like href="" send="false"
layout="button_count" width="50" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>


5. Click save. The Like button will now be on all of your product pages

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Shopping Cart Software by Ashop