General Note: Animated Favicon only works in Firefox.
Uploading an animated icon is NOT possible in Settings > Store Settings > Store Front Settings
To upload animated icon follow the following steps:
1. Go to Design > Theme (active).
2. Click on Edit Header and click on Source button from the editor window.
3. On the topmost line, insert the following code:
<link rel="icon" href="/resources/7A/890/Other/animated_favicon.gif" type="image/gif" >
Note: You need to upload the "animated_favicon.gif" picture file in the ashop server other folder as that filename
4. Apply and Close.
5. Save Theme Settings.
Uploading an animated icon is NOT possible in Settings > Store Settings > Store Front Settings
To upload animated icon follow the following steps:
1. Go to Design > Theme (active).
2. Click on Edit Header and click on Source button from the editor window.
3. On the topmost line, insert the following code:
<link rel="icon" href="/resources/7A/890/Other/animated_favicon.gif" type="image/gif" >
Note: You need to upload the "animated_favicon.gif" picture file in the ashop server other folder as that filename
4. Apply and Close.
5. Save Theme Settings.