What is a site map?
It is is a collection of hyperlinks that outlines your website's structure. A site's "map" may be on one page or spread across numerous categorized pages. Ashop Commerce site map is in world standard format so it is compatible with all main search engines.
Where is my stores site map?
Each store has a unique sitemap address starting with your domain and ending with /sitemap.xml for example http://www.yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml. You must use this URL when adding your sitemap to any system when asked.
Do I need to do anything to generate or replace my site map?
No you don't. They are created through an automated process. Your site map is always up to date without you having to do anything.
How do I use my sitemap with Google?
Please log into your Google webmaster account from this page to add your sitemap.
You will be given a selection of the type of sitemap you wish to add from a drop down menu, please select "add general web sitemap". as shown below.
What if there are errors when uploading my sitemap?
Do not use special characters like { }, ^, #, etc in your store as this can cause errors in the sitemap upload. These characters will be included in the URL when written in the titles, this causes errors in Sitemaps.