Style Section

The style area (found in the graphical representation of your site) manages how fonts, links, some more specific layouts, borders and backgrounds are controlled.

  • Font Family - Controls the default font used throughout your store theme on all pages. This will be over-ridden if you manually change the font within specific sections, widgets or WYSIWYG editors on any page.

  • Font Size - Controls the default font size used throughout your store theme on all pages. This will be over-ridden if you manually change the font size within specific sections, widgets or WYSIWYG editors on any page.

  • Link Behavior - Controls how a text link will appear when your mouse is over. e.g. underlines.

  • Main Table Width - Controls the width of your entire storefront display. A common width which covers the majority of screen resolutions is 900px or 100%. Any images in your header, footer and widgets may push this width wider if they are larger than the widget or section they are placed in.

  • Main Table Alignment - Controls whether your storefront will appear to the left, centre or right of the viewers screen.

  • Left Column Width - Controls the width of the left column

  • Spacing - Controls the space in pixels between all sections in your storefront. To see section layout, click on the main "Widgets" tab and click on the "Section" drop down box. It will open an image to identify each section your storefront is made of.

  • Main Table Border - Controls the width of the border surrounding your entire storefront table in pixels. From None to 10px.

  • Main Table Corner - Controls the style of the main table border as either square or rounded. You can also control the radius of rounded corners by pixel.

  • Use a Background Image - You can upload a main background image to your storefront

  • Repeat - The background image can be repeated on the x or y axis

  • Position - This allows you to place the background image.

  • Edit Widget Style - This allows you to edit the overall style of the widgets you are using.

  • CSS - A CSS table was built for advanced users so they can customise the styles of their design.

Style Section

Watch our tutorial movie:
Using the Themes Editor (note, this will be adjusted soon, but contains the main elements you need to know to use this area)

Translate and Localize your website with 'Localizer pluggin
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Shopping Cart Software by Ashop