Sales by Country Reports

This chart is used to display a trend of the sales made in your store by country. 

It also shows the number of orders and the value of all orders for each country between the selected date range. 

  1. Country - The country for which the following order quantity and value were made in.
  2. Order Quantity - The total number of orders placed by the country listed.
  3. Total Amount - The total order value over all orders in your selected date range.

Date Selection

Offers a range time periods e.g. 7 days, last 30 days etc.

Start Date

A simple date picker to select the start date

End Date

A simple date picker to select the end date

Order status

Results for orders will be displayed from the status folder they are currently held in.

Payment status

This will show the sales under each payment status.

Ordered by

If you have the B2B function enabled, you can select which group of customers have made order by each payment method.

Sales by Country Report

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Shopping Cart Software by Ashop