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How do I set my Youtube video to autoplay?

Depending on where you placed your Youtube embedded code, access the Rich Text Editor window, then go to SOURCE and paste your code, to set your video to auto play add "?autoplay" at the end of the video link right after the video id i.e

original code:
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AmRTQAHDg" width="420"></iframe></div>

tweak code:
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AmRTQAHDg?autoplay=1" width="420"></iframe></div>

Optional rules:

 (set your movie to autoplay once page load)

?rel=0  (turn off related video to play after the end of the your movie)

?loop=1 (sets your movie to play in loop)

?playlist=(video id) (use this in combination with loop)

?start=0 (sets your video to delay play on a certain load interval)

Note: For the new Youtube embedded code use '?' to start the rule (for old code change '?' to '&') if the rules are being use in combination use '?' to begin the rule and then use '&' for the succeeding rules i.e "?autoplay=1&rel=0&loop=1" .

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