Home > User Manual > Settings > Payment Methods > Adding A New Payment Method

Adding A New Payment Method

To begin, please click the "Add New Payment Method" button from the left menu panel in your admin.  

Payment Method
Select the method of payment you wish to activate from the drop down box at the top of the new page. The method of payment you have created will then populate with it's options below. 


Tick this checkbox if you wish to have this payment method active for customers to select.

Surcharge / Discount

From this menu, you can select to have either NO DISCOUNT, PAYMENT METHOD BASED OR CREDIT CARD BASED discounts. Changing the type will present different options.

No surcharge or discount option

Payment method based option

Payment method based option


For each selection, you can set either  a surcharge or a discount. For payment method based, you will need to enter the values in the fields as they appear. For the card based, you will need to enter the values after activating the card type you wish to have on your checkout. The fields will appear next to each card type. Simply enter the percentage for each and save.

Accepted Credit Cards

Tick the checkboxes to enable acceptance of each credit card type in your checkout. You will need to contact your bank or gateway provider to ask which cards they accept. If you have enabled the surcharge option, you can also enter the percentage surcharge for each type of credit card you have available to customers.

Method Title

Type in the title you wish to use for this payment method. For example. “Credit Card” This title will appear as a selection on your checkout in a drop down list.

Method Description

This should be a short description of the payment method you are creating. The description will appear once your customer has selected this payment method from the drop down list in your checkout. You may also upload a small security icon or possibly your banks logo.

Payment method Title, Description and Bank Details Display

Result Page Title - Success

The successful result page title appears in bold as a heading once a successful transaction is complete. It may be something simple such as "Thank you for your order" or "Congratulations, your order has been placed"

If you choose not to fill in these details, default text will appear which is controlled via the language file in your store settings page. If you wish to change the default texts you can change them in the language file or simply fill in the result page title from this payment method.

Result Page Text - Success

The successful result page text appears once a successful transaction is complete, directly under the title. This can be short and simple to let your customer know their order is complete and they will be receiving a confirmation email within minutes. Alternatively you may use this section to provide your customers with in-depth information on what happens next, to advertise products, discounts or anything you can imagine.

If you choose not to fill in these details, default text will appear which is controlled via the language file in your store settings page. If you wish to change the default texts you can change them in the language file.

  • The successful result page text can also be used to enter conversion tracking codes which some affiliate softwares and Google adwords provide. To enter their codes, first click on the "source" button in the editor, then paste the code at the end of all existing code. 
    Some companies require you to make minor changes such as entering the order ID and subtotal. You can find the 'dynamic code' to enter where needed next to the editor. e.g. [ordercode] and [subtotal].


Result Page Title - Failed

The failed result page title appears in bold as a heading if a failed transaction has occured. It may be something simple such as "Error" or "Failed Transaction"

Result Page Text - Failed

The failed result page text appears if a failed transaction has occured, directly under the error title. This can be short and simple to let your customer know their transaction has failed and to try again. e.g."Unfortunately your  transaction has failed, please check your details and try again. Alternatively, feel free to call us on ....."

Available For

This option is only available if you have the B2B module activated. Please contact a support representative to have it enabled instantly.
Select from the drop down menu whether you would like All customers, only B2C customers or only B2B customers use this payment method. 
A Great tool if you wish to display different payment methods to your normal customers and your wholesale customers.

Gateway Specific Options

These options will appear different for each payment method. This section is used for entering details which are specific to each method, e.g. many banks and gateways may require you to enter your merchant ID and password, the "pay by phone" method may simply require your phone number and the "bank deposit/transfer" method may require your bank deposit details such as account number. 

Payment Method

Watch our tutorial movie:

Creating and editing payment methods

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