It's likely that this is occurring because of the file name it is
uploaded as. We recommend naming your images using only words without
spaces, numbers or characters". For example, remove any symbols (& ,
: ; $ etc).
If this doesn't work or all your images are already in this format, open
your image in an editing programme and save it as a different name. The
best compatible images are jpg and png.
Finally, if the change has just occurred, check if you have recently
added any script to your site that is causing a conflict in your site.
Some scripts unintentionally cause problems. Take a copy of the script
(to put back after testing), remove the script, clear your browser cache
and test if that is showing on the site.
Keep in mind that Internet Explorer 6 and 7 (IE6 & IE7) are
considered to be almost obsolete, so if your customer is using browsers
earlier than IE8, it's best to let them know that they may be the issue.