Facebook Store Settings

Social Store App "Settings" Tab

Customise Your Store Settings

  1. At the top right of your Facebook app page click on the settings tab (this tab is only available to you and the other people that have an admin access to your app. You may access your store App at any time via the left menu on your Facebook profile.)
  2. Update your store name and image
  3. Update your store tabs
  4. Update messages
    1. Invite Message: When you invite people 
    2. New User message: when a new user joins your app
    3. Recruited User Message: When one of your customer invite a new user.
  5. Update your welcome page. Welcome Page is what your customers see before accepting your app. You can only use HTML here.

Social Store App "Settings" Page

Store Name:
Store Image:
Store Tab Caption:
Store Tab Caption:
Invite Tab Caption:

Invite Message
Message Title:
Message Text:

New User Message
Link Title:
Link Subtitle:
Link Description:

Recruited User Message
Link Title:
Link Subtitle:
Link Subtitle:
Link Description:
Welcome Page:

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