Product Images

Product Image

The product image gallery is a fast and effective way to manage all of this products images from a single window.

Upload one image at a time by clicking the "Browse" button, locate the file on your computer and select it. From this window it is only possible to manage one upload at a time due to time out restrictions.
File formats accepted are jpg (recommended),gif,png,bmp,tiff. Max file size is 500KB, recommended file size 150KB. Animated GIF is not supported. 

Selecting Main and Thumbnail Image

From directly beneath each image in your gallery, you can click on the small icons to select and use each image as the main thumbnail and for the larger main product. All other uploaded images will appear after the main image.

Your images will automatically resize to fit the size set on your detailed product page and thumbnail.


To the right side of the image gallery there is a Quickview panel which will display a larger view of any selected thumbnail from the gallery. You can then modify the image dimensions, rotation or delete it from the server. 


Remember that product images uploaded in the image gallery are not downloadable, so keep a copy handy in case you ever need it.

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